
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Edward Lewand to Speak

Washington D.C.
GIA Alumni Chapter
invites you to join us....
 Antique and Estate Jewelry
Understanding Buying and Selling
Mr. Edward Lewand
Mr. Edward Lewand is a recognized authority in the area of jewelry appraisal and consultation, a renown achieved through an extensive background of both training and experience.  Mr. Lewand attained his Graduate Gemologist diploma from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 1979 and has since embarked on a career in the industry spanning more than 30 years.  His credentials include work as an appraiser, educator, consultant, gemstone and estate buyer, and expert witness.  He is an Accredited Senior Appraiser with the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), a Certified Appraiser with the Appraisers Association of America (AAA), and a licensed insurance broker in New York State.  Mr. Lewand has lectured and taught on jewelry and appraisal at organizations including universities, trade groups, appraisal associations, and insurance companies.  He presently offers independent appraisal and consultation services for private and trade clients and serves as Director of the Antique Jewelry and Art Conference (“Jewelry Camp”).
Mr. Lewand’s presentation will explore the information and competencies required for success both in buying and in selling antique and estate jewelry.  As regards buying, the discussion will progress from the micro, i.e., identifying and authenticating period pieces through details in workmanship, to the macro, i.e., determining appropriate prices to pay in light of broader market and economic considerations.  With respect to selling, the focus will center on developing a successful business model, which again will incorporate micro and macro insofar as relates to pricing and marketing. 
Please remember to bring your completed DCGIA 2011 information and application form and the yearly meeting fee of $55.00, if you have not already submitted the foregoing.
  Wednesday, April 20, 2011
  7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
  Free - to DC Chapter Members
     DC Chapter Members who have paid their 2011 annual meeting fees
  $10.00 - all other attendees and guests
  1900 Ft. Meyers Dr.
  Arlington, VA 22209
  (703) 807-2000
  *Located at the Virginia end of the Key Bridge
Added Celebration at this event!!!!!! 
Please come out and help us celebrate GIA’s 80th Anniversary, and our 27th year as an Alumni Chapter. We will have a cake and there will be party decorations etc. and maybe a special guest. We will also have on display 27 years of our DC GIA Alumni Chapter history. This will be a no-miss meeting. Please plan to attend the celebration.
Next Chapter Meeting:  May 4 - Joyce Jonas (American Heiresses)

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